The EU

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Thursday, June 22, 2023


For John, BLUFHere is a very short article calling us to prayer and preperation for our nation's 250th anniversary in 2026.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The Pilot, by Ms Lucia A. Silecchia, 21 June 2023.

Here is the lede plus one:

Three more years.

As we celebrate Independence Day this year, I can't help thinking that we are now in the three-year run-up to our nation's 250th anniversary in 2026. In some ways, three years seems like a long time away. Yet, if advancing years have taught me anything, it is that time passes far more quickly than I anticipate!

The celebration of our nation's bicentennial in 1976 dominated some of my early childhood memories. Yet, so far, the celebration of our nation's fast-approaching 250th birthday is not receiving much public attention. I hope that this changes soon.

Meanwhile, I have a modest proposal.

And her modest proposal is prayer for this noble experiment, broken into three prayers over three years.
  • Perhaps we can direct our prayers in each of the next three years to one of our three branches of government.  (Legislative, Executive, Judicial)
  • Perhaps, instead, we may order our prayers toward the three levels of government, rather than the three branches.  (Federal, State, Local)
  • Perhaps, instead, we can organize our prayers temporally -- praying on our nation's past this first year, its present in the second year, and its future in the third year.
A good thought for preparation for our 250th Anniversary.

Regards  —  Cliff

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