Thursday, March 7, 2024

Fighting Trump All the Way

For John, BLUFI expect Democrats to fight a Trump Second Term through Inauguration and beyond.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Hostile to freedom, fair elections, and America itself.

From Behind the Black, by Blogger Robert Zimmerman, 6 March 2024 3:29 pm.

Here is the lede plus five:

The reaction by Democratic Party politicians and pundits to the Supreme Court ruling on March 4, 2024 — voiding the effort by Colorado to throw Donald Trump off its ballot — reveals some very fundamental realities that must be faced by all Americans. To put it bluntly: These Democrats have no intention of accepting a victory by Donald Trump in the upcoming election, even if he should win by a majority so vast that no amount of election rigging can disguise it.

The first reaction to that decision was a major tell. Jean Griswold is the secretary of state of Colorado who had taken Trump off the ballot, claiming he was an insurrectionist even though that was merely her opinion as Trump has not only never been convicted of that crime, he has not even been charged with it. Immediately after the court rejected her actions unanimously, she tweeted the following:

I am disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision stripping states of the authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment for federal candidates. Colorado should be able to bar oath-breaking insurrections from our ballot.
Spurred by her blind hatred of Trump, Griswold’s refusal to deal with reality here is disturbing, to say the least. First, the court made it very clear, unanimously, that the states don’t have this authority when it comes to federal elections. That she as a lawyer could not recognize the plain legal arguments here that were agreed to by even the most radical leftists on the court indicates how blind she has become to reasonable disagreement.

Second, Griswold clearly thinks she by herself, based on nothing but her opinion, has the right to determine who is or is not an insurrectionist. In a country where by law and a very long tradition all people are innocent until proven guilty, by what law does she think she has that right?

The bottom line is that Griswold reveals the mindset of the Democrat Party. They are mentally unprepared to accept a Trump election victory, no matter what, and will do anything to block his victory.

I think Mr Zimmerman may be underplaying the hostility of Progressives to Mr Trump and his reelection.  I have been reading about a broad range of people, with a broad range of ways of thwarting the election and inauguration of Mr Trump.  Then there are the eg,) of the nation talking about thwarting Mr Trump if he makes it to the Oval Office.

It would appear that the Progressives have adopted as their motto "We had to destory the village in order to save it.".  that is a pretty stark view of the situation.  I winoder wht the villagers thought?

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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