Saturday, June 8, 2024

Random Attacks

For John, BLUFThere are people who find violence a solution to their problems.  Civilization can tolerate only so much violence.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Many in the West seem resigned to violence that once shocked us.

From The Free Press, by Peter Savodnik, 6 June 2024.

Here is the lede plus five:

Last week, a 25-year-old Afghan man went on a stabbing spree in a marketplace in Mannheim, in southwestern Germany, killing a police officer and wounding five other people.

In a video of the attack, the man, whose name has not been released, can be seen repeatedly stabbing several people—including the police officer, in the back of his head and neck—until another police officer shoots the assailant.

All we know about the dead police officer is his name was Rouven L., and he was 29, and he was trying to stop an attack on Michael Stürzenberger, a well-known blogger who has been critical of Islam. (Stürzenberger was wounded, but not critically.)

It took four days for anyone with a uniform or in office to say publicly what was obvious, which was that this had something to do with Islamism.

“Islam belongs to Germany, but Islamism does not,” Justice Minister Marco Buschmann tweeted Tuesday. “It is a deadly form of fanaticism. There is now clear evidence of an Islamist motive for the crime in #Mannheim.”

This latest violence is part of a gathering storm of Islamist stabbings, riots, and violent demonstrations engulfing the West, with Europe at the center of the maelstrom.

The question for the public is if this is just noise or if it is a serious trend, a trend that needs to be dealt with.

The examples shown in this piece are in Europe.  Do we have the same issues here in the United States.  That is to say, is this Islamists against Europe or is it Islamists against the West?  In either case, it this becomes a serious threat to Citizens anywhere it is the duty of the United States Government to (1) stand against it and (2) to differentiate between those who wish to impose Islam by force from those who wish to attract converts by their excellent example.  The first are criminals and the second are our respected fellow citizens.

We, as Citizens, have a responsibility to distinguish between conduct and belief.  We can think someone is just an evil person.  We are not free to take action against that person.%nbsp; We can say they are evil, but we can't take action against the person.  It is about civilization.

Regards  —  Cliff

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