Saturday, June 15, 2024

Register Women for Selective Service

For John, BLUFDo you want your Granddaughter having to sign up for Selective Service (the Draft)?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

An extract.

From Don Surber Substack, by Opinionator Don Surber.

Here is the lede plus one:

ITEM 19: Dennis Kucinich tweeted, “Senate Armed Services draft NDAA Summary that would require the registration of women for the draft.  Also earlier today, the House approved automatic Selective Service registration for the first time since 1972 during the Vietnam War.  Does anyone hear the drums of war and see the erosion of our individual liberty?”

Draft beer, not women.

Acronymn alert:  NDAA is the National Defense Authorization Act as it wends its way through Congress enroute to the President.

This does not seem like the drums of war.  I think that former Representative Dennis Kucinich is overreaching here.  This is not to say we can't hear those drums beating.  We have Ukraine, Gaza, the Philippines, Taiwan and North Korea.  But, this issue seems more a combination of fairness and a manpower shortage.

I am of two minds with regard to this.  One the one hand, I like the motto "Draft beer, not women."  Women add complications to the battlefield, including issues of upper arm strength and endurnce.  There is also the cultural tendency to treat women differently from men, even in battle.  Pull women into the factories and allow them to sign up for medical and clericall and desk job work, which doesn't require a draft to make happen.  Plus, women do the difficult work of having children, which men do not do.

On the other hand, I am tired of listening to women complaining that they are not treated as equal citizens.  I try to treat all Americans as equal citizens.  So, why not let them pull their fair share?  Having said thst, I am not convinced that all women (or even a large majority) think we should have to smush everyone into a single mold.

On balance, I am opposed to this.

Regards  —  Cliff

  When I say manpower I mean a shortfall in male nelistments.  Women has been enlisted at about the same level for years.  It is men who are not enlisting as much.

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