Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Course of the Future

For John, BLUFIf women are not having children, from where will the next generration come?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Not the Bee, by Blogger Planet Moron, 3 June 2024.

Here is the lede plus one:

I have a theory about happy people. Happy people feel remarkably uncompelled to point out to other people how very happy they are. It's unnecessary. Rather, they just go about their day, you know, being happy.

With that in mind, permit me to introduce you to Glynnis MacNicol, guest Opinion Essayist for The New York Times.

In her essay, she details three things she believes it's very important for you to know:

  1. She is very very happy being single, childless, and almost 50. Really, It's like a "fantasy."  She's enjoying her age, she's enjoying her choices, she's enjoying herself, she's enjoying her enjoyment and she doesn't need you to approve of it which is why she's so desperate to convince you it's true through repetition.
  2. Men are terrified of her for being happy and enjoying her fantasy life even though they don't know she exists.
  3. ‘80s sitcoms were the height of feminist triumph.  Or something.
I applaud Ms Glynnis MacNicol for her success in life and her ability to do it on her own.

However, what about her responsibility to posterity?  Not that I am looking for another Reporter McNicNicol loose in Journalism.  But, what about the generation of the people who will sustain Glynnis MacNicol in her old age?  Nature says it takes about 2.1 births for every female to sustain a population.  Who does Ms MacNicol have producing the lost 2.1 babies, since she is not producing any children?  Maybe that is what President Biden is trying to fix with his open borders.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

  This reminds one of South Koreas 4Bs Movement.

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