Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Be Careful How You Fight Ms Kamala Harris

For John, BLUFDon't fight the new Democratic Candidate, Ms Harris, by bringing up her past life.  Stick to the policy issues.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From PJ Media, by Opinion Writer Stephen Green, 23 Jult 2023, 1:00 PM.

Here is the lede plus five:

"No, we’re not winning.  We’re 10 points behind," my friend and Townhall colleague Kurt Schlichter advised on Sunday when Vice President Harris became the de facto Democrat presidential nominee.  "GET TO WORK!"

Fight like you're 10 points down, even when you aren't, is always good election advice.  It is not, however, the best advice you'll get during this campaign season.  Because there's fighting just to throw some punches, even if some of them miss or end up hitting yourself or your friends.  And then there's fighting smart.

On Sunday, Collin Rugg made a perfectly fair comment about Harris.  "Kamala Harris is proof that women can sleep their way to the top," he posted.  "How inspiring."

It's fair.  It's true.  But was it smart?  "You cannot build a successful political movement by a process of subtraction," Stacy McCain warned during the 2008 presidential race, and I took those words to heart.

Film Ladd is one of my two favorite conservative movie critics (the other is Christian Toto, naturally), and he had a gentle correction for Rugg that stuck with me until the issue cropped up again on Tuesday morning.  Ladd posted on Sunday that "From a tactical standpoint men on the right need to stay out of mentioning Kamala's raunchy past" because "women in the know will be more than happy to tell low-information women voters all about it."

"Men watch team sports where valiant men band together to confront the opposition head-on," he added.  "Women love to watch other women tear each other apart.  Just stay out of it."

The Republican Campaign Team, and its supporters, need to act like gentlemen.  They need to be polite toward the opposition.  They need to focus on the policy facts.

Otherwise they will look small and Ms Harris will benefit as a result.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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