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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

State of the Supreme Court—Bernie Sandeers' Version

For John, BLUFI don't think Senator Bernie Sanders, and other Democrats, analyze Supreme Court decisions in terms of our freedoms, but tahrough a partisan lense.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Bernie Sanders calls for immediate reforms to the Supreme Court, citing recent rulings that grant presidential immunity and criminalize homelessness as threats to democracy and justice.

From Nation of Change, by Reporter Alexis Sterling, 3 July 2024.

Here is the lede plus two:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has issued a strong call for Supreme Court reform in response to a series of controversial rulings that he argues threaten the foundations of American democracy. Sanders criticized the Court as “out of control,” pointing to its right-wing bias and the influence of corporate interests in shaping its decisions.

Sanders highlighted the 2010 Citizens United decision as a pivotal moment that ushered in a “corrupt, billionaire-dominated political system.” He also pointed to more recent rulings, including the removal of abortion protections, the criminalization of homelessness, the limitation of federal regulatory power, and the granting of unprecedented presidential immunity as evidence of the Court’s extreme agenda.

“These are just some of the dangerous rulings from a right-wing, corporate-sponsored Supreme Court that continues to serve an extremist agenda,” Sanders said. He emphasized that if conservative justices wish to make public policy, they should resign from the Supreme Court and run for political office instead.

I think the Good Senator is a bit over the top in his criticisms.  Abortions are up since Dobbs.  Yes, some Stat4s in the US have changed their rules, but that shows diversity.  As for the homeless (I have been on my City’s Hunger Homeless Commission), it is a question of balance.  Residents and visitors, walking the streets, should not have to step around those sleeping on the streets or the refuse of their lives.  Shelters should be provided, and mental health help provided (but ism’t, because of decisions from Government).  As for Presidential immunity, that is what Impeachment is about.  If Congress won’t do its job, why should the following Administration be allowed to pick up the cuddgle and do the work Congress should have done?.

With regard to Senator Sanderes' concerns for billionaires running the Republican Party and the Conservative Wing of the Supreme Court, he is 60 years out of date.  When I hear billionaire I immediately think of Mr George Soros.  He is the man who has funded numberous District Attorney campaigna, resulting in a slew of communities with weak enforcement of laws  In the long run this is counter-productive, in that the Citizens will eventually realize their safety is in their own hands.  That is not good for a civilized society.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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