Wednesday, July 3, 2024

To Keep Mr Biden on the Ticket

For John, BLUFWhile my view of the situation in DC is different from Mr Cohen's in some respects, I think he does a good job of laying out why the Democrats should stick with Mr Joseph Biden.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

I look at both sides of the Biden vs. Harris argument and conclude that we're not living in an Aaron Sorkin and Democrats have one choice -- stay the course

From Truth and Consequences, by Opinionator Michael A Cohen (Speech Boy), 1 July 2024.

Here is the lede plus six:

Not Good Bob, Not Good

Over the last few days, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and talking to smart political observers about the dilemma facing the Democratic Party since the Apocalypse in Atlanta (trademark pending). I’ve tried to approach this issue in the most analytical and empirical manner possible. But I want to make one point at the outset.

I have no particular affection for Joe Biden.

He’s a politician and a means to an end. In an era of deep partisan polarization— and as the Republican Party has been taken over by a raving lunatic and has no attachment to basic democratic norms — no Democratic president or politician is sacred. They are all replaceable. The only question is a political one: who is best positioned to keep Trump and the GOP out of the White House?

Don’t get me wrong—Joe Biden has been an excellent president. He pulled the United States out of Afghanistan, handled the wars in Ukraine and Gaza with deftness and effective diplomacy, and his legislative agenda is one of the most impressive since LBJ. I’m not overly concerned about this ability to carry out his duties as president in a second term.

But, if I thought he was likely to lose in November and there was a better option in the wings to take his place, I’d be the first person to push him under the bus. This is not the time for sentimentality.

The problem is I don’t.

I think Michael Cohen makes a good case for retaining Prewident Joe Biden on the Democratic Party Ticket.  You may be a supporter of Candidate Trump, but it is good to undertand the terrain from other points of view.  This is such a chance..

And, you can subacribe to this substack at no cost for the basic output.  For the duration of the Election.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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