For John, BLUF: There are no consequences for poor performance. Nothing to see here; just move along.
"ICE Director Shirks Responsibility: Woman’s Death At Hands of Illegal Immigrant Was ‘After the Fact’". This per Reporter Cortney O'Brien of Town Hall.
In January, Eswin Mejia, reported to be an illegal immigrant, went street racing in Omaha, Nebraska and caused a fatal car crash, killing 21-year-old Sarah Root. The Omaha police alerted Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities and they took Mejia into custody.Did that explanation from ICE Director Sara Saldana♠ even make sense?He was released on $5,000 bail and has not been seen since.
How could this happen? : Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) demanded of ICE Director Sarah Saldana when she testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday.
This was her explanation:
“We acted — we tried to act, sir, but I believe there was a matter of hours between the time that we were contacted and the actual release,” Saldana testified. “It is very hard for us to get to every inquiry that is made by law enforcement, and unfortunately it had a horrible consequence here. But we try very hard to respond as quickly as possible; we just can’t get to every site within a matter of hours.”
Is there any question as to why the masses are unhappy with Washington?
If Trump did not exist, we would have to invent him.
With apologies to Voltaire
Hat tip to Memeorandum.
Regards — Cliff
♠ Can you imagine that the director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Ms Sarah R Saldaña, doesn't even have her own page on Wikipedia. She can be found on this ICE page. I would think ICE Chief of Staff Mr Leonard Joseph would get on that, subito.
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