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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Good News Story

For John, BLUFA Senior comes out as Conservative at Harvard and the world does not end for Harvard or for her.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Carine Hajjar said after she respectfully raised her conservative views at the liberal university, most people thanked her for it

From The College Fix, by Reporter Allie Simon (UC San Diego), 29 April 2022.

Here is the lede plus four:

Carine Hajjar dealt with ideological homogeneity at Harvard University for three-and-a-half years mostly in silence, but in the spring semester of her senior year, she finally came out as conservative. She said she has no regrets.

“A common stance among Harvard liberals was that conservative viewpoints don’t matter because they’re just wrong,” she said in an interview with The College Fix.

Yet Hajjar said what she experienced after coming out as conservative by becoming a columnist for the Harvard Crimson in her final months as a student at the Ivy League school in the spring of 2021 was camaraderie.

She received a lot of quiet agreement from peers, friends, teaching assistants and professors, including private emails, texts, and even people coming up to her in person expressing their approval and concurrence.

She also said some of her very liberal friends thanked her for writing her column, as they felt like they “couldn’t say anything anymore” due to today’s stigma and intense analysis of everything people say.  Others told her to make sure she continued to write it, saying a contrarian point of view was sorely needed.

Maybe this story is to remind me to bite my tongue the next time I thoughtlessly dispariage that Down County School.  There are some good, thinking, people there.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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