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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Trump at the NAMJ

For John, BLUFMs Juliette Ochieng, a retired Air Force Member, writes as a Black Conservative.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Amatuer shrinking the NABJ

From Baldilocks Talks, by Ms Juliette Ochieng, 2 August 2024.

Where the Blogger shifts from talking about her Caucasian Brother-in-Law to talking about Candidate Donald Trump:

He doesn’t treat black people like children - unless they’re his own children - and doesn’t kowtow.  If they’re nice to him, he’s nice to them and the same goes for nastiness.

After watching Donald Trump's interview with the NABJ I thought of this phenomenon.  Most journalists and politicians who are white tip-toe around black people in fear of being labeled as racist.  In contrast, President Trump treats blacks, whites, etc. as individuals.  (I was especially amused when the former president lambasted the interviewers for being on CPT.)

To be honest, I think that a significant segment of black Americans aren’t used to that, especially from white persons in authority. Many are more used to having smoke blown up their backsides, and when that doesn’t happen, they don’t know what to do with that, so they think it’s racism.

Yes, it’s true. Many of us aren’t used to being treated as equals. And I think it’s why many think Mr. Trump is racist but can’t name a racist thing he has said or done.

The last quoted paragraph was interesting to me in that I don't think of Candidate Trump as racist or Anti-semetic.  Yes, some do.  I was impressed that during his interview with the NABJ that President Trump was willinig to engage with the reporters asking questions.  It is my belief that as long as we are talking there is a chance that we are communicaitng and perhaps even learning.

Learning is good.

Regards  —  Cliff

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