For John, BLUF: As the Biden Administratino winds down there is a question some minds as to how it will end. Nothing to see here; just move along.
Here is the song:
President Joseph Robinette Biden has been in politics since 1970, and in Federal Office since 1973. He did have a four year hiatus while Donald J Trump served his first term.
Some wondered if Cabndidate Biden running his 2020 Campaign out of his Basement was a sign that he was being hidden away. That was viguriously denied by one and all, including by Presidential Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, including, recently, with her classic line regarding "'Cheap Fake' Videos".
REPORTER: There seems to be a sort of a rash of videos that have been exited to make the president appear officially frail or mentally confused. I'm wondering if the White House is especially worried about the fact that this appears to be a pattern.
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: Yeah, and I think you all have called this the cheap fakes video and that's exactly what they are. They are cheap fakes video, they are done in bad faith and, and some of your news organizations have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing, the right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because of the fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.
And so we see this and this is something coming from your part of the world, calling them cheap fakes and misinformation. And I'll quote the Washington Post where they wrote, they wrote about this and they said how "Republican used misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24 hour period" and to their credit, we have a conservative Washington Examiner did call them out as well, calling out the New York Post.
Ironically several recent cheap fakes actually attack the president for thanking troops -- for thanking troops. That is what they're attacking the president for, both in Normandy this happened and again in Italy, and I think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how, how desperate, how desperate Republicans are here. And instead of talking about the president's performance in office, and what I mean by that is his legislative wins, what he's been able to do for the American people across the country, we're seeing these deep fakes, these manipulated videos. And it is again done in bad faith.
This all came up for review two days ago in an article in The Wall Street Journal. .
I believe some are asking themselves if President Biden will make it to 20 January. His deteriorization has been slow. Is it to a point when it could pick up speed and he could find himself undeniably incapable of czrrying on as President. None of us should wish that on him, but it is possible. It could happen to any of us who have reached the 82 age mark.
There is, however, another possible branch for this story. It is possible that President Biden could step aside and allow his Vice President, Kamala Harris, to become President for the last month of this Administration.♠ I, for one, think this is a distinct possibility. I would give it a one in three chance. If President Biden ressigned, it would make Vice President Kamala Harris the first female President, even if it were just for a month. It might also set a precedent as to the idea of Presidents stepping down when they find that physically or mentally they can't keep up. A previous example could have been President Woodrow Wilson, who sufferred a stroke in October 1919, with his Wife, Edith Wilson, basically assuming the office.
Regards — Cliff
♠ While President Biden appears to be angry with the leadership of the Democratic Party, and thus is unlikely to take actions to help out the party, his Wife, Dr Jill Biden, may well be thinking that such a move would enhance his place in history, and thus be an good thing.