Thursday, April 30, 2009

2nd Amendment and 9th Circuit—Not News

So short a post from Eugene Volokh that I quote it all:
The Ninth Circuit's Second Amendment Ruling in the News -- Or Not:  So I thought that the Ninth Circuit's holding that the Second Amendment binds state and local governments (via the Fourteenth Amendment) was a pretty big deal.  It was the first federal court of appeals decision to so hold.  If followed, it would invalidate the Chicago handgun ban, plus perhaps some other broad state and local gun restrictions, such as New York City's ban on all gun ownership by 18-to-20-year-olds.  And it might well trigger Supreme Court consideration of the issue, since there's now a split between the Second and Ninth Circuits on the issue.

But here's the odd thing:  I couldn't find any articles about this in the New York Times, the L.A. Times, the Chicago Tribune, or the Washington Post.  (I searched for second amendment or bear arms or nordyke or gun show.)  There was early coverage on CNN and in the San Francisco Chronicle, but nothing else in any newspapers in the NEWS;MAJPAP file on LEXIS. Am I missing some stories that just didn't happen to use the keywords I searched for?  Or is the court decision just not worth even a brief mention?
It is an odd thing.  On the other hand, if you accept that gun rights are guaranteed under the Second Amendment, the only thing that makes it news is that it is out of the Ninth Circuit. Hat tip to Instapundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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