Thursday, April 30, 2009

The VP on the Flu

Hat tip to Instapundit and then to to Moe Lane, who links to the video below and also links to this commentary.

OK, so the Vice President wants us to stay out of airliners and subways.  But, we do need to show some fortitude in all this.  Let's avoid the panic button for right now.

In the mean time, the video interview also includes the Vice President answering questions on the economy and Senator Arlen Specter switching back to being a Democrat—although the VP doesn't mention that he is switching back.  In his first campaign for public office the Senator ran for District Attorney in Philly, as a Republican, while still registered as a Democrat.


Here is an update, via Instapundit, from Just One Minute. I think it is a little harsh, but then I thought some of the comments about Governor Palin were a little harsh. Here is the money quote: "They told me that if I voted for McCain we'd have a Vice President who was a moron... and they were right!"  Fortunately, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs rode to the rescue:
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs issued an apology Thursday for Vice President Joe Biden’s comments that he wouldn’t recommend taking a commercial flight or riding in a subway car because swine flu virus can spread in confined places.
(From the link to Politico, above.)

Here is the link to Just One Minute. (Frankly, I thought the first comment at this linked site was a bit tacky.)

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Cliff,

    Hey..just commented on this on Kad's blog and then clicked over and saw you had the multimedia. WOW! When is there going to be an official White House directive to put a gag order on this guy!?!? And the damage control wasn't even done well (well, uh...what he meant was, uh...)

    Also, Ratriey has been putting in a lot of long shifts at CVS lately and says there's frenzied buying of masks..



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