Monday, February 22, 2010

Denial vs Denial

From Instapundit to PJ Media, where we have Charlie Martin writing about the The World's Biggest Story, Everywhere But Here".

For those of you in Rio Linda or in denial, it is about Climategate.

Which is not to say that the shifting of the climate won't impact the lives of people and require costly adjustments.  But, the scientists who have done some of the work that underwrites the idea of AGW seem to have been less than candid and straight forward about their work and its value.  One could appeal to Galileo Galilei, but he had to fudge on comets, which he could not explain.

Regards  —  Cliff

  You know who you are.
  Let us hope just costly and not also intrusive.


  1. You know this is only related to IPCC assessment report IV, right? And that there are three others before it not flawed by conflicts of interests and fudges in their data and methodologies, right?

    This is the worst sort of headline manipulation, where what amounts to an anecdote is used to spuriously argue against something else that is not directly related. It's a poor reflection on you that you continue to flog this, and I would suggest you look up the word "fallacy" in the dictionary, so that you can understand it applies just as directly to this canard of an argument, as it does the nonsense contained in IPCC IV.

    The ocean levels are rising. Could be GHG, and it could be sunspots, and it could be any number of things. But picking on some yahoos on one extreme side of the discussion as if it somehow proves there's no need for a discussion is the worst sort of ignorance.

  2. I don't recall anyone on this particular blog saying anything about the climate NOT changing. It is, but there is unsettled science about why or how much. Rational discussion about climate change requires some understanding of cause and degree of anticipated effect. The Algore hysteria has not been beneficial to anyone except Algore and others who have turned it all into a lucrative business venture.

    As Cliff pointed out, some folks may suffer from the ongoing changes, and we will need to do something about that. Still, I think it is intellectually arrogant to profess to know all the answers about the earth environment and causes and effects of all the variables within. I read in one authoritative article that great herds of beef cattle being fattened for our tummies are capable of farting immense amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere each day. For the vegan folks, this is a great aha moment, but does anyone seriously believe that it is the cow's fault the oceans are rising?

    I think we need to get beyond the hyperbole and histrionics that have fomented taking up sides with a vengeance....and simply try to figure out what to do with what we are currently facing.

    Gee, maybe if we simply reduce the population of the planet by, say, a nice round 34%....or even 40%....maybe THAT would bring back the glaciers.....or lower the ocean levels so that the folks on The Hamptons can continue to enjoy their summer cottages.

    Or perhaps, one might consider the fallacious nature of the current chicken little mania affecting so much of the population.



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