Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

From an article in the International Herald Tribune, referring to Dr Amy Bishop, of Huntsville, Alabama.
When I worked with her, I found she was always within striking distance of the edge.
The quote is attributed to a Mr Lenny Cavallaro.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. Who knows how many folks are living lives of quiet desperation, always within striking distance of the edge? I think that the number might well be chilling.

    I've always been tantalized by the classic experiment in which several rats are placed in a closed cage. The socialize and seem to get on well with one another. Then more rats are added and the relationships become a bit more "edgy" but still civil. Finally, at some point, the addition of one more rat sets the rest of the population into aggressive anger such that rats who previously got along well began to turn on each other with murder in their little hearts.

    NO....I'm not advocating population control...but we do need to find ways for folks to just "get away from it all."


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.