Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tea Baggers Advert

If I were as smart as Law Professor Ann Althouse I would embed this YouTube Video, rather than linking to her blog.  I am not.

Remember, there is a Tea Party rally tomorrow down by Lowell City Hall.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Only Tea Party at Lowell.

    'cause anyone with a hateful sign or misspelled word is automatically one of those "DNC Infil-Traitors."

    Make sure you give those folks the hairy eyeball. Ya, make sure ya kick ol' green teeth right in the knee.

  2. Life in America has become tedious and exhausting, the population being divided and sent to and fro by the icons of "I'll have it my way whether you want it or not" and the antithesis "I'll keep you from having it your way at any cost." We watch the "news" and are cheered on by those of like mind, and our adreneline flows like a fire hose. We are living in a constant state of readiness that seems to be the living characterization of the portrait of two vultures sitting on a long dead tree limb in a sun-baked desert, one saying to the other, "Patience my ass!! I want to kill something!!"

    We have already entered the early phases of what might be called an "uncivil war" in which nullification has become the process of the day, followed by isolation and demonization. The process only invites a more raucous and strident retaliation and escalation. To borrow from Kipling's "One Day" "We was little drummer boys who had 'is rights and wrongs to mind, and we had to pay for learnin', and we learned."

    Samuel Johnson articulated what could well be the epitaph of American society and freedom, “When once the forms of civility are violated, there remains little hope of return to kindness or decency."

  3. Teabaggers: The Bumper Sticker Brain Trust

  4. Jack,

    How does that contribute to the conversation? It doesn't and you know it. You're being juvenile, you know that is offensive. I not doubting that you care for this country, but name-calling doesn't move us forward. If you honestly believe that the tea party moves us backward, or anyone remotely affiliated to it is also, then you are only seeking to their level with such comments.

    I'm becoming more active politically, so I'll be about sooner or later we will bump into each other face-to-face. I've been reviewing my old posts from End of Nihilism/Up On Christian Hill, I keep reflecting have I ever been that nasty?

    Sure I've been frustrated and dropped profanity even, I will always try my best to speak in a manner that deals with the issue and not the person. I know I may have failed a few times and seek a better way.

    Renee Aste

  5. Bumper Sticker Brain Trust.

    I like it.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  6. Jack made a sincere joke, and I jumped and got all offended. boy I feel stupid, sorry

  7. Both Renee and Cliff are correct.

    It was a joke that was intended to make you think. I like a good fart joke, don't get me wrong. However, imo, the best comedians crack you up, but leave you scratching your chin.

    My confrontation with the "tea people" is based on distinctly different ideological perspectives. I may often not bother to convey my respect for anothers right to speak, as I scoff the crap that spills forth from their piehole.

    We cannot operate our nation on "truthiness." Just like we don't launch rockets into space under a presumption that F=mT.

  8. Jack, being that you're a veteran I respect your opinion in a higher regard because of your service. I don't think you should waste your opinion with 'fart jokes' and scoffing at people. I was raised a democrat, believe me and so was my husband (my father in law was head of his union). You really come off as a complete jerk, and don't care when you say things like 'I may often not bother to convey my respect for anothers right to speak, as I scoff the crap that spills forth from their piehole.' do you realize you're the one that has 'crap spilling from the piehole.

    Can you bring this country up, when you take so much joy in bring people down by mocking organized protest?

    Renee Aste

  9. Renee,

    In just about a year, I have watched America go from hope to fear.

    I know who has done this. Do you?

    If the GOP wants to rally the mob with the torches and pitchforks because they are devoid of ideas that will save the middle class, then so be it.

    Don't expect me to blog with my pinkies up.

  10. jack,

    I recently read Jack Keller's (of WBZ) 'The Bluest State. Democrats don't care anymore for 'the middle class' more then the GOP. Just recently on the state level DeLeo runs the place, that even progressives legislatures change on their convictions i.e. casinos.

    You were volunteering for President Obama, but it seems like you lived though in an echo chamber though. Yes people wanted change, people are frustrated, they weren't voting for 'HOPE', they were voting for a president not a messiah.

    If I can't get it pass a Democrat that abortion is the destruction of a unborn child, at the hands of its own parents then where is the hope in that? If I can't get it pass a Democrat that we need to acknowledge in public policy that men and women need to be equally accountable to their children, as one family unit rooted in biology (you know marriage), then where is the hope in that?

    I know these are lovely controversial subjects, but don't worry I don't for Republicans who can't acknowledge this either.

    If I dare question the absolute authority of the Democratic party, I've now become a pitch forked mob of fear?

    If I'm that middle class and 'my children are the future' the Democratic party claims to care for, why does the Democratic party so hostile to life/family biological realities and hate me with such vileness if I speak up.

    maybe I need one of those "question authority" bumper stickers?

    Believe me, I want the truth as much as you do.


  11. I'll take up 3 parts.

    Questioning authority:
    My support of Obama was a rejection of the Democratic Party's status quo.

    Challenges require evidence, not baloney. I take challenges seriously and refute them with data, not slogans.

    I'd put more links into my posts here, but I can't seem to get the hang of this coding.

    Pro-Life: I don't know your personal experiences. It is sad that you have been hated for being pro-life.

    I tend towards life in my personal life, but publicly/politically I'm solidly for choice.

    If I get angry about the issue, it is when zealots inflict religious based arguments into the discourse. I think the Founders made themselves pretty clear in our Constitution.

    Family biological realities: If you are talking about gay marriage, I'll defer again to our Constitution.

    The Democratic Party is no threat to families.

  12. In Catholic circles we call the GOP the party of stupid, but then we call Democrats the party of evil. Why? Because it's deceiving, where the faults of the GOP are more obvious. Torture is torture, the death penalty is the death penalty, but abortion is now 'choice' and marriage is now 'equality'.

    The constitution protects orientation (which I'm for), marriage is about behavior though. One is heterosexual or gay, even if they are not in a sexual relationship. It's unconstitutional to acknowledge that men get women pregnant? Will one day the theory of evolution be removed from text books, because it too hetero-normative? Is it unconstitutional to say every individual has a mother and father, and we need to support a parent's obligation to a child. My beliefs are not rooted in homophobia, I believe gay children should be loved by both parents.

    I do believe many, a good majority of Democrats of pro-life in nature. Catholic Democrats have been worn down though (yes, by Ted Kennedy), and it makes me bang my head on the keyboard or at least a 'face palm'. The Democratic party wears and wears you down that there is nothing they can do about it, and let abortion happen right under their noses even indirectly/directly, and yes profit through with special interest money.

    Here is all this talk of social justice, and well, oh well, no one stands up on this. We're told 'woman's choice', but we all know abortion sucks yet when Stupak was being called 'Stupitt' by the progressives and Coakley wasn't going to vote on Health Care unless abortion was covered, how else can I view where the Democratic party has gone?

    Can't you see why people hold their nose and vote Republican, or move to the GOP completely to see if they have room?

  13. Well, Renee. I don't think you are a hateful teabagger.

    You seem to be a person of deep religious belief that is jilted by a secular system.

    The problem you will have, should your "movement" get anywhere, will be building a platform.

    It is easy to be against something. The divergent philosophies of the not so merry band of rabble rousers will be ill equipped to congress.

  14. Well favorite quote (and campaign slogan) for The Great Orator....The Illuminous "America is the greatest society in the history of mankind, and I want you to help me change that."

    He is.....more than anyone "hoped" or "dreamed."

    I think that the Tea Partiers....and the "just plain folks" like me and 100's of friends of mine who don't like "parties".....have some great ideas how to make this country better....beginning with getting rid of the lying, thieving bunch that live in the District of Corruption right now. Is it any coincidence that for centuries, comedienes and pundits alike have focused first on politicians and the political process? Folks like Mark Twain? Even SNL has turned against this bunch of low life scum that has lied its way into office.

    I'm in Renees corner on this one.....

    In my 33 years of Air Force service, I have seen a lot of paper-hangers come and go in DC, and LBJ was about as scary as they come...until we got the peanut puke.....and I actually thought that in spite of his "dalliances" Billy Bad Boy was a pretty smart Pres.....but this one.....there are no words.....

    He is the living epitomy of what we use to refer in VietNam as a REMF.

  15. I think that the Tea Partiers....and the "just plain folks" like me and 100's of friends of mine who don't like "parties".....have some great ideas how to make this country better....beginning with getting rid of the lying, thieving bunch that live in the District of Corruption right now.

    I would have been better had you come to this conclusion in 2000, folks.

    There is NO excuse for 2004.

  16. "I never considered myself a maverick."
    -- John McCain to Newsweek, April 3rd, 2010

    It is not a lie, of course, it is only a, shall we say... evolution of the truth. And that is the genius of the statement: it acknowledges fully that what is true and what is false, in politics -- scratch that, in America -- is completely irrelevant.

    We can take him at his word, of course. We can presume that the most narrow interpretation of those six words are indeed, true -- that he never considered himself a maverick, but was perfectly willing to craft an entire campaign, an entire career around the stupid little word. That would mean that Senator John McCain has been a conniving liar all along, a manipulative son of a bitch, in fact, and that with this one statement he intends to come clean, if only for a moment -- but that would be insultingly simplistic, and far too easy. We could presume he is simply a senile old fart -- also a possibility, given recent performances, but equally insulting.

    The more accurate answer, of course, is that whether something is "true" or "false" is a game among children, and John McCain, like every other politician able to momentarily capture a camera or a podium, knows full well that you can lie your ass off to all of America and there's not two people in a hundred who will either notice or give a flying damn. It is not just a move for campaigning -- you can govern by it, too. What the hell, you can form an entire movement around the premise that the "truth" is whatever the hell you say it is at one given moment, and that the "truth" may be something entirely opposite tomorrow.

  17. Hurrah!!!! And with that Jack, you have aptly described The One, and all of the pompous windbags that populate both houses of the Congress...but particulary Horrible Harry and Pinhead Pelosi.....

    2000? 2004? And what about the predecessor? Blowjob Bill sold this country down the river with NAFTA and lets make a deal with China. He gave away the family jewels...and then some.

    Yeah...right....George did it...the rest of the scum sucking pigs were just innocent pawns....and Obamao wouldn't have to do what he is doing today if George didn't MAKE him do it. Yeah....that DAMNED George....

  18. So I take it you're voting Libertarian then?


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