Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mission Drift

Somewhere in the comment thread of this blog post at the Althouse blog is the suggestion:
It's time to break up the public schools and restart it.  They suffer very badly from mission drift and they are poking their noses into things that don't concern them.
The issue is to be found here.  A young child in a pre-school program at an elementary school in North Carolina had her home-packed lunch confiscated and was given school cafeteria food and the bill for same sent home with the child.

Maybe the salary of the school cafeteria monitor could have been better spent on up-to-date textbooks.

I encourage you to go to the Althouse site and take her poll on this issue.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't a school room monitor. It was a state stooge sent to do no notice inspections to ensure compliance with USDA and First Lady mandates.

    Take over the education of a nation's children...and you can take over the nation. Public education as it is currently being operated is one of the greater threats to our national security today.

    We sure don't need Food Police from the Federal and State governments......oh I know...its all part of Obama's Jobs Program.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.