Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another Solution

Then there is this solution.  Woman kills and decapitates the man who not only raped her, and got her pregnant, but took pictures and threatened to pass the photos around the village.  I will say that I thought ten bullets, plus a stab wound, plus a decapitation (she rolling the head onto the village square) may have been more than is needed.

Now we have some metrics, from Yalvaç, Isparta, Turkey.  This is one definite vote for abortion in the event of rape.  From the subheadlines in The Daily Mail story:
  • Woman cut off rapist's head before declaring: 'That is the head of one who toyed with my honour'
  • Mother-of-two, 26, had been 'abused for months' by attacker before she took revenge
I think the solution is extreme, but I also think the perp was extreme, aggravating his crime time and time again.

This is why judges should have some discretion.

Regards  —  Cliff

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