Thursday, September 6, 2012

Counting The Votes

The next time some Democratic/Progressive/Nouveau Liberal/General Holder surrogate tells you that votes are not being stolen in the US, remind them of the platform vote during the 2012 Democratic Convention.  Here is the Althouse take on the event, and I agree with her.  And I liked the outcome, just not the process.

I remind you that former Democratic State Senator Diane Wilkerson was wrong, wrong wrong.  The ends don't justify the means.

At least you know that here in Massachusetts you can be required to show an ID to vote—it is the law.  Have it with you when you go to vote today, and then again in November.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. If you employ the priveldge of driving to exercise your right to vote, it would be wise to have a driver's license on you.

    Sometimes I drive around without my license on me. The cops don't like it, and I think they can cite you if they like, but they can look up your license in their patrol cars.

    Once I got a stern lecture from a cop, for not having my license on me. He let me drive off, without a citation.

    It's better for us to conduct ourselves with minimal gov't intrusion. Having an ID in case there is a mix up, is okay. Being compelled to show an ID so that I can then vote, I think that is bogus.

    Small gov't types should agree. But, since they want to win elections by surpressing the vote, they hold their nose and repeat the mantra.

  2. Yes, as Americans we don't have to be carrying our "papers" and that is a good thing.  Belay that—it is a great thing.

    The thing about "Small Gov't" types is that the "vote" they are trying to suppress is the illegal sort.  They aren't like Black Panthers in Philly.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. Cliff, you have a youtube of some goons, pumping their chests out. That is voter surpression, in what scale?

    I've got a youtube of a girl that carved a letter into her own face to try to claim she was a victim of a hate crime. The "culprits" were claimed to be Obama supporters.

    We can trade anecdotes of stupid people until the sun goes down. What you can't do is provide evidence of systemic fraud. You may go to a situation where the dreaded ACORN hired paid nitwits to "register" voters. But you will fail to show a recent election where 100, 1,000 or 10,000 faudulent ballots were cast and counted.

    This ID to Vote movement, is xenophobia dressed up as civic duty, exploited by GOP apparatchiks and candidates like Tom Weaver, who want to roll into the public square on a train of paranoia.

    ID to Vote is a solution in search of a problem. Why you bother to salve the bent frustrations of wingnuts at the expense of wider credibility, is beyond me.

    I frequently find you messaging test arcane and obtuse political perspectives. The public service is nil and the stain is indelible.

    Parading wingnuttery with a cute smirk will be a self imposed glass ceiling on your endeavors to achieve a broader goal.

    Though doing so, put's you in the mainstream of the modern GOP. *head shake*


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