Wednesday, September 5, 2012

She Did What?

In The Wall Street Journal we have an article on a wife of 35 years, who trashed her husband's absentee ballot—he was off to Asia on a business trip.

Tain't funny.  A terrible wrong!

On that note, don't forget to vote tomorrow (Thursday).

And congrats to Tom O'Brien, newly appointed to the Election Commission.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. I'm not forgetting not to vote. ;-)

    This isn't an election--it's a publicly funded private political primary, and it's bad enough I (we) have to pay for it. I'm saving my bullets for November.

  2. Oh, and I meant first to say: The good news for any political "mixed marriage": The two of them can agree to both not vote for their major party candidates. This has the identical effect of leaving both major party candidates in the exact same relative position as before. But now the couple has, in effect, two more votes to cast--doubling their influence on the election. Then they can choose two more candidates not beholden to the corrupt party machinery that has brought us nothing but war, debt and oppression these past dozen years. The end result will be a better country, observing as I will that the major candidates will need legislate in fewer corrupt ways the more people choose to reject their party-racket-aligned candidacies. Even if we never elect a third or fourth party candidate, our D's and R's will behave better.

    Win, win win win win.


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.