Sunday, September 2, 2012

Meet the Press

Columnist Tom Friedman (The New York Times) just said, in essence, that he is in favor of allowing children who are born live from a late term abortion, to die.

My son corrects me and says he said "he is a Planned Parenthood Democrat."  This is after Newt Gingrich said it is a "20%" issue to allow children to die if they survive a late term abortion and then noted that as a State Senator Barack Obama voted to protect doctors from liability in such situations—voted three times.

This was about whether the press ever sees Democrats as extremists, or just Republicans.

I think it is just Republicans who are extremists.  That is the meme and has been since Goldwater was running for the office.  Who can argue against the MSM?

Then we went back to watching Cop Out.

In the mean time, when does human life start?
  • Conception
  • Conception +26 weeks
  • Immediate Post Partum
  • Post Partum plus seconds to minutes
  • Post Partum plus minutes to hours
  • Post Partum plus hours to hours

Just asking?

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. Since you asked for opinions: I would say "at conception" and "at birth" are equally weak as absolutist yardsticks. Empowering our government to think and act for us using such weak yardsticks, whichever extreme is represented, cannot make us better or more moral as a people--but it can make us victims to the rape of our liberty. The correct answer, since you asked for opinions, is to refuse to give away such extreme power to our government when it can be better and more enlightenedly wielded by us ourselves.

  2. I'm not using a bias site for either pro-life or pro-choice, it's just the medical knowledge on how to perform an abortion from the Global Library of Women's Medicine
    Dedicated to the enhancement of women's healthcare.

    (warning some graphic images, but all in use of surgical description)

    Second-Trimester Surgical Abortion

    Labor Induction Termination of Pregnancy


Please be forthright, but please consider that this is not a barracks.