Monday, September 3, 2012

TMZ On The March

There may be some long term benefit to the Nerd strategy of keeping to yourself and never dating.  At some point, two decades on, your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend might run for national office, and if he or she is a Republican, the news media will winkle you out and expose you to fear, ridicule and sarcasm.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff


  1. This really is a nonstory.

    What was the most gross, was the attempt to use the outrage as a fig leaf for covering Corsi.

  2. Yes, but it was a chance for me to play off that AFRTS program in Europe, "COMMZ On The March".  Cue martial music.

    As for Jerome Corsi, I had forgotten who he was.  I had to look him up.

    The only "Swiftboat Veteran" I knew was Air Force Colonel Ken Cordier.  We were in the 46th TFS together, then he went to Cam Rahn Bay and I went to DaNang.  I remember when he was shot down up by Yen Bai.  I was less than a month of returning Stateside, but I suspect Ken, who had not been going North as much as those of us at DaNang, was months away from rotation.  It turned out he remained in North Viet-nam from December 1966 until March of 1973.

    As for this being a non-story, I would like to hear Ms Pope say that.

    Regards  —  Cliff

  3. Ryan isn't a racist and his lovelife is not our business. There are plenty of legitimate gripes about Paul Ryan's politics. Ms. Pope will be forgotten quickly and allowed to move on.


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