For John, BLUF: The PP&ACA is a solution that makes the Left feel good, but it doesn't make things better. Nothing to see here; just move along.
This is from The Washington Free Beacon and Reporter Ali Meyer, on 9 October 2017.
The sub headline is:
79 percent of penalized households made less than $50,000,
On the other hand, the income of Americans is pretty much like a pyramid, with few at the top and many at the bottom.♠ But, still, that is a lot of folks below $50,000 PA who have elected to not enroll in a PP&ACA approved program.There were 6,665,480 households who chose to pay the Obamacare penalty in that year rather than signing up for Affordable Care Act coverage. They paid a total of $3,079,255,000.That is a lot of low income folks who are willing to pay the avoidance tax.♥Of the 6.7 million households who chose to pay a penalty, 37 percent—2.5 million households—earned a salary less than $25,000 per year. There were 5.2 million households that earned a salary less than $50,000 per year who decided to pay the penalty, which totaled 79 percent of households paying the penalty. Finally, 92 percent of the households—6.1 million households—paid the penalty and earned less than $75,000 a year.
Hat tip to the InstaPundit.
Regards — Cliff
♠ Well, the $250,000 and above is a long line, but if we ran in $5000 increments there would be a lot more lines and a lot shorter. In fact, the next to top line gathers up ten of the lower increments and thus is ten times over its natural size.
♥ So, who are we really helping with the PP&ACA? At least as interesting is the question of if ten percent of Mr Trump's November vote came from those paying the PP&ACA Penalty Tax.
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