Monday, January 4, 2021

Looking At Ancient Temperatures

For John, BLUFThere are a lot of assertions about Climate Change, but there is enough research data out that we should continue to ask questions.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Science Under Attack, by Mr Ralph B. Alexander, December 28, 2020.

Here is the lede plus one:

Two recently published studies confirm that the climate thousands of years ago was as warm or warmer than today’s – a fact disputed by some believers in the narrative of largely human-caused global warming.  That was an era when CO2 levels were much lower than now, long before industrialization and SUVs.

One study demonstrates that the period known as the Roman Warming was the warmest in the last 2,000 years.  The other study provides evidence that it was just as warm up to 6,000 years ago.  Both studies reinforce the occurrence of an even warmer period immediately following the end of the last ice age 11,000 years ago, known as the Holocene Thermal Maximum.

This came from the Blog Site via Watts Up With That, via Ms Sarah Hoyt, at InstaPundit.  Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing, with Links to Links to Links.

This kind of data suggests that there is much more to know about how the climate operates.  In addition, it appears, in other news locations, that the United States is actually making progress in controlling the identified climate gases.  It may all be due to COVID-19, but is a trend worth noting.

The idea that there is some Elastic Limit in terms of climate is one that still needs more research.  Species have show a high degree of adaptibility.  For example, birds are said to be evolutionary descendents of some early dinasours.

We need to follow the science, but we need to also remember that post Viet-nam War we were still worried about Global Cooling.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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