Sunday, January 3, 2021

Restricted News Sources

For John, BLUFThe historic media is not doing it for a large number of us and may face financial issues in the future.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

This is actually from a two part blog post, from InstaPundit, by Mr Ed Driscoll, the first part about the Media itself and the second part about how already the Media and Democrats have moved past Trump as Hitler to look for the new, even worse, Hitler, in this case Senator Josh Hawley, who is proposing to do what Democratic Party Congresscritters have done against the last three Republican Presidential victors—challenge Electors.

From InstaPundit, by Mr Ed Driscoll, 3 January 2021.

Here is what he extracted from this Washington Examiner article:

After 2020, it will be hard to see corporate media as anything but a public relations arm of the Democratic Party following the former’s attempts to bury not one, not two, but three major allegations leveled against left-wing politicians.

Axios, one of the more aggressive and fairer online news outlets, revealed in December that failed presidential candidate and Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California developed a relationship with a suspected Chinese spy who worked on behalf of the Communist Chinese government as part of a far-reaching espionage operation.

Swalwell, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, has declined to address his past interactions with Christine Fang, including that she managed somehow to place an intern in his office.  He has offered no good reason for why he should remain in his congressional assignment despite the sensitive nature of what is discussed in the committee.  His ability to dodge the issue has been enabled in part by media, which have not bothered to press him on the matter.  In fact, news of the congressman’s entanglement with a Chinese spy has been ignored entirely by the larger, older news outlets.

ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the story entirely when it broke.  The major broadcast networks continued to ignore it even after Republicans moved to have the congressman removed from the intelligence committee.  NBC has nothing on its website about the Chinese spy scandal.  Neither does CBS or ABCThe New York Times, the Associated Press, and the Los Angeles Times, similarly have avoided reporting on the scandal.  Swalwell, meanwhile, has been allowed to skate on the excuse that the Axios report was a hit job orchestrated by the Trump White House, which doesn’t make any sense.

What a change of pace for the newsrooms that have spent the past four years hunting relentlessly for some connection between the Trump administration and Russian intelligence operations!

Not just the media, but also Social Media.  I am expecting people to be voting with their TV Remote and their computer.  With 74 million Trump voters, and others who didn't bother to vote because they see their vote as so small and the vote count so large, there is a big market out there that the Mainstream Media is not filling.  It is time to get your Parler Account.

And what is it with Facebook shutting down a fund raising page for the Georgia Senatorial Runoff candidates Senators Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.)?  Here is Representative David Nunes' Parler page, which talks to the issue and links to this Epoch Times article.  Think about it.  A newspaper being produced by Falun Gong is a more consistent and reliable news source than The Old Gray Lady or NPR.

We are in trouble, but I am hoping the market place will sort it out.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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