The EU

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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Teachers on Strike

For John, BLUFThe Democrats, with Joseph Biden as their President, are toying with a game of economic 52 Card Pickup.  It might not end well for them.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

The teacher strike in Minneapolis shows how prescient FDR was when he warned about the dangers of public sector unions.

From Foundation for Econoomic Education (FEE), by Jon Miltimore, 12 March 2022.

Here is the lede plus one:

Minneapolis teachers were striking for a fourth consecutive day Friday on bridges and overpasses throughout the city. Some 4,500 members of the Minneapolis Teachers Federation and Education Support Professionals are demanding more compensation, improved working conditions, and smaller class sizes.

“Our fight is against the patriarchy, our fight is against capitalism, our fight is for the soul of our city,” said Greta Callahan, head of the Minneapolis teachers union.

The article tells us that average teacher saleries are good (, says mean salary is $76,000 pa, 98% above national average), tenure is good, and performance of students, in terms of high school graduation is poor (schools graduate only 74.2% of high school students, state average is 83.8% and national average is 85.3%).

In my humble opinion, this strike is about the revolt of the COVID Moms.  When the Union says it is against the Patriarch it is really against the Matriarchy.  It is K-12 and Mothers are the ones focused on that.  When the Union says it is against Capaitalism it is really saying it is against Charter Schools, Private Schools. Parochial Schools and Home Schooling.  Because the Public Schools are under-performing, these "Capitalist" challengers must be suppressed for the Public Schools to keep their monopolies.

But, I doubt that will be part of the public discussion.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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