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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Why Bobby Runs

For John, BLUFWhile it appears Mr Kennedy is wasting his time, in fact he is picking up side benifits, from paid speaking engagements to a cabinet position.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

He’s not actually trying to become president.

From Politico, by Writer Jack Shafer, 10 July 2023, 02:23 PM EDT.

Here is the lede plus two:

If Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s three-month-old presidential campaign were a newly opened restaurant, it would have already succumbed to its negative reviews and closed its doors. Members of his own family have declined to back him. “Due to a wide range of Bobby’s positions, I’m supporting President Biden,” said his sister, Rory Kennedy. “I support President Biden,” said cousin Patrick Kennedy, a former member of Congress. And, most damning, the bookies say he has next to no chance of winning.

Kennedy — and this comes as a surprise to nobody — is about as likely to win the Democratic Party’s nomination as, say, Donald Trump. A sharp CNN piece last month by the network’s analyst Harry Enten attached an anchor to Kennedy’s chances and sunk it into the depths of the Mariana Trench. According to Enten, the party faithful overwhelmingly approve of Joe Biden’s presidency, while a poll of “strong Democrats” registers as 50 percent unfavorable to Kennedy. Seeing as it is Democrats and not the press or tech billionaires who select the party’s nominee, and the fact that Kennedy shows no sign of exceeding the sub-20 percent level of support among Democratic voters, his candidacy is stillborn.

This inevitable defeat is self-evident to everybody, including Kennedy, one suspects. But RFK Jr. doesn’t care about losing because there’s little evidence he was very interested in becoming president in the first place. Those with genuine presidential ambitions tend to establish foundational political careers, putting in at minimum a term or two in elective office. If they run and get beaten, they get back up and run again and again, as Biden did.

The author would have us believe he is running for the fun of it.  For the side benefits.

That may well be so, but such cynicism is based on the idea that as an incumbent, President Joseph Biden is secure in his position.  I don't think so.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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