The EU

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Closing the Circle

For John, BLUFIn Virginia Horse Country the arrogance of a School Board helped elect Glenn Youngkin as Governor, and Winsome Sears at Lieutenant Governor.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Natioonal review, by Reporter Ari Blass, 10 September 2023 1:16 PM.

Here is the lede plus one:

Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin has pardoned a father, Scott Smith, who was convicted of disorderly conduct for protesting a school-board meeting after his daughter was sexually assaulted by a male wearing a skirt in a girls’ bathroom.

“I spoke with Mr. Smith on Friday, and I had the privilege of telling Mr. Smith that I will pardon him, and we did that on Friday,” Youngkin told Fox News Sunday.  “We righted a wrong.  He should’ve never been prosecuted here.  This was a dad standing up for his daughter.”

Of course he did.  This is closing the circle.  The actions (and inactions) of the Loudoun County School Board helped put Governor Youngkin in office.  The pruported rapist not only committed this crime, but when transferred to a new school, went on to repeat his performnce.

Unless the nomenclature cleans up its act there will be more distrust in institutions, and more office holders displaced.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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