End of Daze
Author: Andrew Fox
Kindle Version: 265 Pages
Publisher: Aggadah Try It
Language: English
Publication Date: 30 March 2023
I picked up this book on the recommendstion of Blogger and Writer Sarah Hoyt.
I am glad I did. Recent events in the Middle East raise the question of if these are the End Times. If we pay attention to the likes of Author Hal Lindsey (The Late Grest Plsnet Earth) we note the return of Jews to the land of Israel (1900 years ago the nation of Judea). This is a possible sign of the fulfillment of Biblical End time Prophecy.
The perspective of The End of Daze is a combinstion of science Fiction and of Jewish prospective. It is this second view, with its liberal sprinkling of Yiddish and Jewish practices and traditions that made it interesting.
Another aspect of a fictoinal look is thst the writer can pose some interesting situstions, such as when a radical Muslim group acquires a nuclear artillery shell from a nation from the former Soviet Union. Such a weapon can be a game changer. . But the story also deals with those who cannot accept what G_d is trying to do and fight Him. That is a story as old as time.
A quick read, with an interesting alternative perespective. Well worth the effort to read, and available on the Kindle.
Regards — Cliff
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