The EU

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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kicker Butker Will Have the Last Laugh

For John, BLUFYoou can laugh at mariage and children, but that is where your future caregivers are coming from.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Life during and after the coming Demographic Winter.

From GLENN’S SUBSTACK, by Professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, 17 May 2024.

Here is the lede plus two:

There are some things you’re not supposed to say in 2024 America, and Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker said some of them.

Speaking to a graduation crowd at conservative Catholic Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, Butker took on Joe Biden’s performative faux-Catholicism, transgender ideology and – most shockingly – suggested to female graduates that they would find a better, more rewarding, and more productive life as wives and mothers than in corporate-style careers.

For this, he received a standing ovation from the crowd. (The full speech is here.) The wider world, however, was not so appreciative. Most notably, the city of Kansas City, Missouri tweeted out a repudiation and a pointed indication that he lived elsewhere, in a community the since-deleted tweet specifically named. Facing complaints of “doxing,” the tweet was removed and Kansas City mayor Quinton Lucas apologized. I’m not sure that naming the general place where somebody lives truly qualifies as doxing, but I’m also unclear as to why a municipal government thinks it’s its place to weigh in on what a non-resident private citizen says in a speech delivered in another state about social issues. There were also demands from assorted leftist activists that Butker be punished.

The Professor quotes Mark Steyn:  "the future belongs to those who show up".  He then noted the groups having more children, who will have members showing up in the future, are the "traditional religious groups – trad Catholics, Evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, conservative Muslims and Hindus."  Not the offspring of The View, bless their little hearts.

Demographics is destiny.  Nations like South Korea, Japan and China are in demographic freefall.  .

Do you havw something worth passing on?

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

  In South Korea it is the four Bs.  No dating, no marriage, no sex, no children.  That seems pretty definitive.  And contrary to how we have evolved to this point.

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