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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Not So Fast

For John, BLUFThe Democrats have a problem in the 2024 Election.  It is the pair of President Joe Biden and VEEP Kamala Harris.  Here is a way out.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From , by VICTORIA TAFT | 4:06 PM ON MAY 24, 2024.

Here is the lede plus one:

It's almost time for presidential candidates to sprint to the finish line in the 2024 race for the White House. Runners-up will walk away with a t-shirt and a sippy cup. Joe Biden's already wearing the right shoes. He won't be able to sprint in his Naturalizers, but there's one way he could walk away — albeit stiffly — with a remnant of dignity and a great, though apocryphal, story for the family history books.

Now there are many ways that Joe could be tossed from the 2024 race. He could be unceremoniously blown out at his own Antifa convention in Chicago and replaced. His doctors could run out of that go-juice cocktail they fill him with before big events and he could implode more than usual in front of a huge crowd. Or he could leave like a family hero with some semblance of his dignity intact.

Yes, president Biden could retire and pardon his Son, Hunter, on the way out.  Howevewr, for Democrsats that still leaves the problem of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Fortunately, the Senate Democrats may have a way of helping.  From CBS News we have Senate Democrats seek meeting with Chief Justice John Roberts after Alito flag controversy (Reporter Melissa Quinn, 24 May 2024 / 3:15 PM EDT).

So, some Senate Democrsts, who can't keep their own house in order, are going to go across the street and harangue and belittle the Chief Justice for a non-issue.  I csm see the Chief Justice taking umbridge at a couple Democratic Party Grifters coming to his office to meddle, improperly, in the affairs of an independent Branch of Government.  He might well resign in protest.

There is the window of opportunity.  President Biden nominates Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Chief Justice and the Democratic Senate consents.

But, the $64 Question is, who replaces her.  Being Democrats, it has to be either a racial or ethnic minority or someone who identifies as a woman.  That precludes Califrnia Governor Gavin Newsom.  But others await.

As this evolves it would be timely for Candidate Donald J Trump to announce that lawfare is a pernicious blight upon our election process and something he wishes to stamp out.  As one of his first acts as President, in Jamuary, he will issue blanket pardons to Ms Hillary, President Joe Biden and his Son Hunder and Brother James.

Regards  —  Cliff

  The lede:  "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin and subcommittee head Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse are seeking a meeting with Chief Justice John Roberts to discuss ethics issues at the Supreme Court after reports of flags flown outside Justice Samuel Alito's homes sparked outrage."

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