Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Kudos to TD Bank

For John, BLUFThere are people out there who understand providing good service.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Yesterday I went to TD Bank (Mammoth Road, Lowell) to make a deposit.  I arrived at the drive-up window lane at 4:50, and found one car in front of me.  It appear the car in front of me was waiting for the bank to complete the transaction.

The Bank closed at 5:00 PM, but I was not worried.  The line is usually very efficient.  Howeveer, the clock ticked past 5:00 PM and then up to 5:08 before the vehicle in front of me pulled away.

As I pulled forward to the window the clerk was loweing one of the two venitian blinds.  However, she cheerfully opened the tray and asked me if she could help me.  I put my deposit into the tray and she quickly processed it, returning with the receipt and cheerfully asking if there was anything else she could do to help me..

I thznked her and headed out, but her actions helped to make me a more loyal customer for TD Bnak.  She could have just closed the blind on me, but she didn't.  She provided solid service.

Thank you TD Bank.

Regards  —  Cliff

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