Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Round Cube Hits a Big Pothole

For John, BLUFSoftware companies should not release new versions without sending along some helpful information.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

This is pothole season in New England and the mail client Roundcube has hit a big pothole.

Yesterday morning I transitioned my work moderating an internet discussion group from my iPad (in the bedroom) to my MacBook (in the kitchen).  That meant transitioning from the iPad Mac Mail to Round Cube.  I like Round Cube, becsuse it allows me to click a button and go underneath the hood and mess with the HTML code that defines what is displayed.  For example, I can adjust the margin width.  I like to pick 480 pc.

However, yesterday, when I opened Round Cube on my laptop it was totally different.  It was an almost totally new interface.  And, I could not find access to the HTML code.  It was not a happy experience.  I did some searching on line, but the new paths still escape me.

It is not so much that I am bothered by the change of interface.  Most of us are in the make it better mode.  That is for the good.  What disturbs me and puts me off is that this change was not only a complete surprise, but it also was unaccompanied by any help suggestions.  What were they thinking?

Yes, I did go to the web page I got from Wikipedia, but it was of little help.  And their Announce subpage was a blank. Regards  —  Cliff

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