Tuesday, June 25, 2024

What is Behind the Protests

For John, BLUFWe, the Citizens of these United States, are being gaslighted by those who are using the Israeli response to the 7 October 2023 attack to justify demonstrations in the halls of academia.  Yes, people should be free to demonstration what they see as oppression, but we, the Citizens, need to understand that the movement behind the demonstrations is bigger than Gaza and the Palestinians.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

The terrorism that's infiltrated the most elite US college campuses

From The Cosmopolitan Globalist, by Ms Eve Barlow, 4 May 2024.

The article linked is dated 4 May, but I became aware of it from an EMail this morning, from The Cosmopolitan Globalist (Claire Berlinski) (at 9:45 AM).

Here is the lede:

Last night I gained access to a GoogleDrive (see below) obtained by social media account Israel War Room via a source who is allegedly within the UPenn “anti-war” encampment. It contains over 200 documents linked below that are pro-terrorism, with guidelines on how to riot and cause disruption, how to make weapons and take over buildings. Israel War Room highlight that the drive lists Carrie Zaremba as the owner of all files, who is reportedly a spokesperson for National Students for Justice in Palestine, aka SJP.
This reovew of documentzs on-line leads to some interesting discoveries.

This is from an X posting, by Ms Laura Powell, a Blue Check, @LauraPowellEsq:

One of the spokespeople for the UCLA protesters explains their end goal is for "more than divestment." She says, "Given that the University of California is founded on colonialism, it's inherently a violent institution." She argues the UC system is linked to both foreign wars and domestic police brutality and demands this be addressed.

She's saying the quiet part out loud. They intend to dismantle our domestic institutions. The Palestinian cause is just a warmup.

When the unnamed spokesperson says "the University of California is founded on colonialism", is she talking about Spanish colonialism of Alta California out of Mexico, or was it the Bear Flag Republic revolt in June of 1846?  Or was it on 9 July 1846, when U.S. Navy Lieutenant Joseph Revere raised the United States flag in Alta California.  And what is the payback being demanded?  Should the University of California sytem be abolished and all diplomas revoked, back to 1866?

In another part of the documents there is a call to, apparently, eliminate some of the leading Western Nations.  It calls for "NO MORE ISRAEL", naturally.  But it also calls for "NO MORE USA" and "NO MORE UK".  It goes on to call for the elimination of Italy, France, Canada, Germany and Australia  Why not Chile or Venezuals or Mexico?  This is a Marxisst like movement that is designed to destory Western Europeans ideas.  Then we will be left with the Paternalism of organizations like the World Econommic Forum and the People's Republic of Chinz.

Those who think that the Pro-Hamas movement we see is just a collection of sympathetic students hoping to ease the suffering of Palistinians in Gaza, a deeper dive is needed.  For eample, what does it mean that there is a Gays for Gaza movement?  Do they not understand the rules in Gaza?  Or are they just riding on the issue of the hour to push their own agenda?

It is time for our political leadership to step up and fight back to save our Republic.

Regards  —  Cliff

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