Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Who is Saying This?

For John, BLUFWe need to be careful of the sources of ideas.  The idea is the thing, but we should also judge the source.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Career civil servants must be able to speak truth to power.  But they must also be held accountable.

From The Washington Post, by Mike Hayden, James Loy, J. Michael “Mike” McConnell, John Negroponte and Sean O’Keefe, 18 June 2024 at 6:15 a.m. EDT.

Here is the quick background on the Opinion Piece Authors:

Mike Hayden was director of the CIA from 2006 to 2009 and of the National Security Agency from 1999 to 2005. James Loy was deputy secretary of Homeland Security from 2003 to 2005 and commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard from 1998 to 2002. J. Michael “Mike” McConnell was director of national intelligence from 2007 to 2009 and of the NSA from 1992 to 1996. John Negroponte was deputy secretary of state from 2007 to 2009 and director of national intelligence from 2005 to 2007. Sean O’Keefe was NASA administrator from 2001 to 2005 and secretary of the Navy from 1992 to 1993.

Here is the lede plus three:

Frustrated by what he saw as an entrenched bureaucracy resistant to his policies, Donald Trump as president attempted to remove most of the protections afforded federal civil servants so he could replace them with policy proponents and loyalists. Although his efforts were promptly rescinded by newly elected President Biden, Trump has announced that he would try again if reelected.

We think there is some merit in both points of view. However, as members of a bipartisan group of former national and homeland security, diplomatic, intelligence and law enforcement officials who have served both Democratic and Republican presidents, we think there is a “third way” that preserves all that is right with our civil service but also addresses what almost everyone agrees is wrong with it.

Our experience has shown us that career civil servants are a priceless resource who must be preserved and protected from partisan political influence. Their ability to “speak truth to power” (including to officials like us) without fear of losing their jobs was and is critical — so using political ideology as a litmus test in their appointment or retention, no matter how well-intentioned that might be, presents a dangerous risk to our national security.

However, these employees must also be held accountable for doing their jobs well. As a practical matter, the few bad actors among them are overprotected under the existing system. It is just too hard to ensure that they can be terminated when they fail to meet reasonable standards of performance or conduct — for example, for refusing a direct, lawful order.

Did anyone notice the name at the head of the author list?  Mike Hayden.  There was a time, in the 80s, when I thought he was the epitome of the competent professional.  In fact, when my wife and I took a short story writing class at UMass Lowell from Author David Daniels, I used young Mike Hayden as the model for the hero of one of my stories.  Then he became one of the infamous 51, who, at the urging of now Secretary of State Antony Blinken, signed a letter that shaded the truth to influence the 2020 Election.  [DA Alvin Bragg, where are you, or are you just another political hack?] 

In full disclosure, my Father, my two Brothers and my three Children have all been part of the Civill Service.  I am proud of the work each of them has done.  On the other hand, I know who Ms Darleen Druyun is.  Sharp as a tack, bossy and corrupt.  She is the bad side of the Civil Service.  Most are not like that.  Most are people trying to do their job and do it well.  So, we should read the article and consider the points made, but we should keep in mind that at least one of the authors acted to subvert a Presidental Election in 2020. 

We should also keep in mind that one of Former President Trump's complaints against the Permanent Civil Service was the willingness of senior appointees to use their positons and powers to frustrate the reforms he was trying to implement.  It should be part of the Civil Service ethos tthat the President was elected by the People to bring, in some cases, change to government.

Regards  —  Cliff

  He worked for Brigadier General Leonard H. Perroots, a consumate profession, then serving as the Chief of Intelligence for US Air Forces in Europe.
  Whispers to readers, "Political Hack."
  The Laptop from Hell.
  This is someties known as the Deep State.  The Deep State is believed to have epic powers.  British Prime Minister Liz Truss believes she was forced from office by the British Deep State.  I saw the Turkish Deep State approve a new Prime Minister, when the Chief of the Turkish General Staff payed a courtsey call on Ms Tansu Çiller, giving a nod of approval for her appontment as Prime Minister.

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