The EU

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Topic With a Constrained Discussion

For John, BLUFAbortion is a hot topic these days, but somemany are reluctant to talk about the larger ramifications, not only the question of sin (of when life begins), but also the social and economic sides of the issue.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

We have been waching the BBC Series, Grantchester.  This evening we watched Series 3, Ephisode 3.  Lots of issues in the story, but one stood out.

In the story there are several robberies at Post Offices.  Indirectly tied to the robberies is the murder of the owner of a local Garage proprieter.  He wife and the mechanic are brought in for interregation regarding the murder.

During interregation the wife (a Roman Catholic) confesses to having had an abortion.  The Vicar, Mr Chambbers, is sitting across from her and she asks the Vicar if God will forgive her.  Usually quick to comfort and console, he says—nothing.

I thought about this for a while.  Was it because she was Roman Catholic and he is Anglican?.  I am doubtful.  The Vicar is always quick with a word for everyone.  Perhaps it is all the sexual tension in the show?  There was a premonition, in that early in this Ephisode DI Geordie Keating's Mistress, Margaret Ward, tells Inspector Keating that for a couple of days she thought she was pregnant.  However, that thread runs off in a different direction.

It strikes me that the real problem for the writers was what to say next.  As a 1950s Vicar he can't possibly say it is not a sin.  On the other hand, for a modern day "Progressive" audience he couldn't say it was a sin, even if (or especially if) he says God will forgive you.  I hink the writers elected to stay silent.  Such is the power of social presssure.

Regards  —  Cliff
  I would think this would apply especially for the US Release through PBS.

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