The EU

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Friday, November 4, 2022

Hope for Next Week

For John, BLUFThis 2022 election is about economic visions, the Proogressive vision vs the old fashion Adam Smith approach.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From The New Yoork Post, by Law Peofessor Glenn H. Reynolds, 4 November 2022, 6:18 pm.

Here is the lede plus four:

Something’s happening in the suburbs.  On the one hand, polls indicate that white suburban women are shifting — hard — toward the Republican Party.  On the other, lots more parents are homeschooling their kids, post-pandemic.  These phenomena are not unrelated.

Suburban women are shifting Republican — by 27 points, a Wall Street Journal poll found, with 74% saying the country’s headed the wrong direction — because the Democrats have let them down.

When people complain about taxes, the usual response is something along the lines of “what, you don’t want police and schools?”

Of course, as my father-in-law once said, when they raise taxes they tell you it’s for teachers and police, but when they get the money it goes to buy a fancy leather chair for some guy you never heard of in an office downtown.

But if you’re going to justify the whole of government by invoking police and schools, maybe it would be a good idea to . . . actually provide police and schools.  And Democrats across the nation went out of their way not to deliver either.

Proofessor Reynolds poses the impoortant question (IMHO), if Tueday is a Red Wave, will it result in the Democratic Party adjusting its direction, away from the Proogressive path?  If it does, then the 2024 election could well be about competent management of the economy, the border and the Government.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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