The EU

Google says the EU requires a notice of cookie use (by Google) and says they have posted a notice. I don't see it. If cookies bother you, go elsewhere. If the EU bothers you, emigrate. If you live outside the EU, don't go there.

Monday, May 11, 2009


My youngest brother sent me this item on blogging.

Regards  —  Cliff

1 comment:

The New Englander said...


Definitely LOL here as I'm rubbing the Monday morning sleep out of my eyes..I know I like to say "there are more blogs out there than there are people to read them," but this is a lot wittier -- and the pic hits the spot. This one is a keeper..and a nice nod to the Churchill Battle of Britain quote, too..I am hereby reserving the right to steal this one at will the next time any discussion about blogging (a virtual or a real one) comes up..
