The EU

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Have Eyes But Can Not See

For John, BLUFAs a Trump supporting Republican I am often amused by what I see as the blindness of the Main Stream Media.  I guess I need to be looking for my own blind spots.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the sub-headline:

Experts weighed in on why we believe disinformation, despite a lack of evidence.

From ABC News, by Reporter Fergal Gallagher, 22 November 2020.

Here is the lede plus one:

Since Election Day, numerous false allegations of fraud have been published on social media and repeated elsewhere, most of which have been easily debunked, yet a large swath of the population still appears to believe them.

According to a recent poll roughly three-quarters (77%) of Trump backers say former Vice President Joe Biden’s election win was due to fraud despite there being no evidence to back this up.

I read the article.  No where is there a discussion of the possibility that a large segment of people don't trust the main stream media.

After four plus years of being told about the Russian interference in the 2016 election, artifically causing Ms Hillary Clinton to lose, why would we believe that this record turnout was fraud free?  Is it fraud free because President Trump cleaned up the voting system and made it that way?  Is it fraud free because Russian President Vladimir Putin dropped out?  What is the reason?  Question asked, but not answered.

The lack of a reflective Press is disappointing to thoser of us who were raised to think that the Fourth Estate was an important part of our system of Government.

Regards  —  Cliff

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