For John, BLUF: EMail is like an addiction, which can take over one's life. Nothing to see here; just move along.
I am overwhelmed by EMail. And, it is my fault.
I regularly have a thousand unread EMails, and that isn't even checking my World Softwware Tool and Die Account.
I reguarly try to get it widdled dowwn to under 400 totaal for each of the two accounts, but it then just explodes again.
My problem is two fold. On the one hand, I want to absorbg all that is happening. An impossible task.
At the same time I feel an urgue to archieve all my EMails, not letting anything that might be pertinent to slip away. : The problem is, I can't afford all that needed memory. But,, it has turned me into a file clerk, with my day filled with moving read EMails to the proper folders; dozens and dozens folders.
I have had to change my priorities. I am going to have to stop receiving some EMails, mostly money solicitations (I don't have the money to feed all of them anyway).
I had to do this a whle ago, when my EMail Address fell into the hands of Democrats. They had my name as "Claire", but used my EMail. It involved a lot of "Unsubscribe" actiond, but it seems to have finally work.
In the mean time, does anyone know of a support group for people with an addiction to EMail?
Regards — Cliff
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