For John, BLUF: There are still a lot of mysteries to be learned in science. Nothing to see here; just move along.
From Science Alert, by Writer Conor Feehly, 27 APRIL 2022.
Here is the lede plus one:
We still don't know just how the first life emerged on Earth. One suggestion is that the building blocks arrived here from space; now, a new study of several carbon-rich meteorites has added weight to this idea.I still favor the Garden of Eden version, but we should be open to all possible understandings.Using new, extremely sensitive analysis techniques for these meteorites, a team led by scientists from Hokkaido University in Japan detected organic compounds that form the very backbone of the nucleic acid molecules common to all life as we know it – DNA and RNA?
Regards — Cliff
We Have Even More Evidence Life's Building Blocks Came to Earth From Space
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