For John, BLUFI thought we were making progress on race relations and integration, but then I read something like this: . Nothing to see here; just move along.
Here is the sub-headline:
From , by Poet Caroline Randall Williams, DECEMBER 06, 2022.
Here is the lede plus one:
Commodity. Chattel. Contraband. Capital. What is a Black body in the South? What is a Black southern man, carted out to work a white-owned field?Per The Atlantic, the author, Ms Caroline Randall Williams is a poet, the television host of Discovery Plus’s Hungry for Answers, and a writer in residence at Vanderbilt University..It’s impossible today to talk about Black men and white agendas without talking about Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate for Senate in the runoff election in Georgia. But in order to talk about Walker, I’ve got to start in what may be his actual state of residence, Texas.
It is interesting to me that in my lifetime the roles of the political parties have reversed. When I was young the Democrats were, mostly, the party of racism and the Deep South. If not all the politicians, at least the power in the US Congress. The Republicans were the party of integration and equal rights.♠
Ms Williams sees Candidate Hershal Walker as a mere schill for cynical Republicans. Senator Warnock, by implication, is seen as the paragon of virtue. She is apparently not aware of the small demographic shifts that see Black and Hispanic Voters moving toward the GOP. This shift is, apparently, driven by the issues facing the nation, such as jobs, crime, immigration, inflatin and education.
This is sad.
Regards — Cliff
♠ As is always the case, there were exceptions. I spent Elementary School in a Sundown Town in South Jersey. The Mayor conceived of the town as Republican.
♥ This is notwithstanding the actions by Reverend Warnock, such as his actions during his divorce and his actions with regard to his Church's housing project.
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