The EU

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Monday, June 19, 2023

Knowing Your Fascists

For John, BLUFThis is about a sideshow, but it is attracting some attention.  To Vax or not.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Althouse Blog, by Professor Ann Althouse, 18 June 2023.

This is about Joe Rogan challenging Professor Peter Hotez to come on his show to debate Democratic Party Presidential Challenger Robert F Kennedy, Jr.

Professor Hotez Tweeted:

I'm quite concerned about the Elon-Tucker link, then fold in Rogan and RFK Jr and it becomes a pretty formidable coalition with neofascist leanings.  In some ways darker or perhaps more dangerous than Trump, in my opinion.  Awful.  I just hope Team Biden is preparing.
Do these people even know the origins of Fascism?  Do they connect it with Benito Mussolini?  Do they understand that it was Mussolini's invention after he rejected Communism and invented his own system of socialism?  Do they understand it is more "Left" than "Right"?  Do they undertaand that Left and Right were great terms in late 1700s France, but are artificial constructs today?

When Professor Hotez says, "I just hope Team Biden is preparing," do he and Team Biden know that it is both within the party and external?

As for myself, I worry about the Fascists supporting President Joe Biden.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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