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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Missing the Message

For John, BLUFIt seems the Democrats can't read the Republican base and the Republicans return the favor.  And the unenrolled?  Where do they fall?  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Hot Air, by Reporter Karen Townsend, 13 June 2023, 7:31 PM.

Here is the lede plus one:

Her husband is trying not to talk about Trump’s indictments but Jill Biden is yammering away. She has officially begun her role as fundraiser for Joe Biden’s re-election campaign and will be touring the country.

She’s starting out on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, which seems appropriate now that the Democrat Party is the party of the wealthy and elites. Speaking to a small group of Democrat donors in an apartment, she said she was surprised to see a headline before her flight landed that said a majority of Republicans still plan to vote for Trump, even as he prepared to appear in a court in Miami on Tuesday.

“They don’t care about the indictment. So that’s a little shocking, I think,” she said.
Jill told the donors that the 2024 presidential election presents a choice – a choice between the “strong, steady leadership” of her husband or the “chaos and corruption, hatred and division” of “MAGA Republicans.” WOW! I sure hope she continues with that line of attack because it’s a beauty. The matriarch of the Biden crime family is calling the former president corrupt. As if that isn’t tone-deaf enough, she calls “MAGA Republicans” out for “hatred and division.” Are you kidding me?
Law Professor Glenn Reynolds says:  "If anything, the reverse."

An ABC/Ipsos Poll shows:

Independents are more divided, with 45% believing he should have been charged, a third saying he should not have been, and 22% saying they don't know.
I think Mr Trump is polling pretty well.

Hat tip to the InstaPundit.

Regards  —  Cliff

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