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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Price of Oil and Votes

For John, BLUFThe Current Administration is holding back ono foreign policy goals to lure voters in November.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Here is the referenced article from The Wall Street Journal:

From PJ Media, by Blogger Stephen Green, 26 June 2024, 2:30 PM.

Here is the lede plus five:

There's tension inside the Biden Cabal between White House officials who want to soft-pedal oil sanctions on nasty foreign producers like Putinist Russia and Islamist Iran and Treasury Department staffers who have a soul.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that Biden "wants to keep gas prices stable ahead of the election by encouraging oil to flow into global markets," and if that means imposing "softer-than-expected sanctions on major oil producers" like two to nasties mentioned above, then so be it.

Oh, and also Venezuela. What's the big deal in appeasing a socialist basket case like Nicolás Maduro when you're already servicing Vladimir Putin and whoever is in charge of Iran since President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash last month.

(Two cheers for gravity!)

An unnamed senior administration official told the WSJ, "The president has wanted to do everything that he could to make sure that American consumers have the lowest price possible at the pump, as it affects families’ daily lives."

Every dollar of oil revenue that goes into Caracas, Moscow, and Tehran's coffers is another dollar that can be spent propping up the socialist Maduro regime, prolonging the Russo-Ukraine War, or providing the missiles, guns, and ammo that Hamas uses to murder Jews.

So, we are allowing the opponents of peace and democracy to flourish so that the price of gas at the service station can be low in early November, for the election.  I am with Mr Green:

I don't mind paying a little extra for each gallon when it supports producers in this country, or producers in countries that aren't endstage socialist hellholes, warmongering neoimperialists, or Islamic terror states. I do mind paying a little extra when it's American producers getting shut down by overregulation.
There is more to be read.

Regards  —  Cliff

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