For John, BLUF: I will be trying this. Nothing to see here; just move along.
The meeting started late, by about five minutes.
Several local bloggers present, plus others. The gallery is starting to fill up, including some of my friends and neighbors and also the Mayor's Mother.
Darkened Chamber for two worthy Lowellians who have passed away recently. Then a resolution on unions, as respect of human right. Letter re Home Rule Petition re bumping License Commission from three to five members. Accepted.
Reappointment of someone for a Commission—Reappoint Michael Keiley (Animal Advisory Committee). Councillor Elliott asks for Mr Keiley's residence (not Lowell). Approved.
Councillor Mercier, looking around the Chamber, asks that her motion be taken up now, so those present can go home: "Req. City Council discuss in open session, next Tuesday, the actions of the Mayor as it pertains to his duties and conduct and take immediate action, if necessary, in the form of a vote of no confidence, as well as request the City Clerk notify the Mayor and invite him to be present." She notes the apology on Gerry Nutter's Blog, but wants to press on. If the Mayor comes in next week and reads the apology she will withdraw her motion.
Councillor Elliot speaks and calls for the Mayor to resign—and lists his grievances.
- Jeffrey Feldon—It isn't the Mayor, but the City Council, that makes Lowell unattractive to business. I worked for E Warren and now E Markey. Oppose the motion.
- Raymnd Russell—Speaking to defend the Mayor. Mention of E Warren campaign.
- Judith Durant—I have been embarrassed by Councillor Mercier. This current situation doesn't call for removal.
- Dick Howe, Jr—This motion is unique. Looking at code words for other grievances. Mayor is drawing new people in. Motion sends message that new people can only play on the terms of the old crowd.
- George Zaharoolis—Mentions many Greek groups and says all are offended by the Bust of Pericles used to mock our heritage. Take exception to the last speaker. Looking for the Bust to be treated with dignity. Sees this as disrespect for the Greek.
- Speaker for silent Greek Community. Denigrated an Ethnic Group.
- Dale Polmenal(?)—I love the City of Lowell. I don't think the Mayor expected this flap to ensue. Some things deserve an apology, but not removal from office. The Greeks should ask for the Mayor to apologize. Please vote no.
- Ms Kaufman—Let it e for the job performance, not for personalities. I have done a lot of canvassing and folks see politics as nasty. Everyone here means well. Work together.
- Missed the name—He took Mayor to do his duty. End this thing.
- Greg Page—Mayor worked tirelessly for the City. Opened the doors to all kinds of folks who didn't feel invited.
- Samli Chang—He has reached out to the Cambodia Community. Patrick made a change. Appreciate the efforts of Councillor Mercier to also reach out to Cambodian Community.
- Missed the name—Patrick Murphy reached out to me, a person new to Lowell. Vote no.
- Leeann Cuchie—Excited when Patrick Murphy when he ran. This motion discourages me.
- Missed the name—Patrick Murpky really got me excited. Vote no.
- James Ostich—Proud of my Greek heritage, but Patrick Murphy has no animosity toward the Greeks. It was a bad joke.
- Ken Harkins—I support the motion. Thank you Councillor Mercier. Mayor is not leading the Council.
- Francine Slater—Relatively new to Lowell. Love the City. Please defeat the motion. It made it to NPR, and I was disappointed.
- Paul Georges—His intervention brought us School contracts. Went to Cinncinati with us. Other things. People's feelings are hurt. You have to be thick skinned. Having first child. My concern is we don't make this a Jerry Springer moment. Where is the system going? Taxpayers happy. Does someone have to win and someone lose, with all losing in the end. Look down River. Can we move beyond this? This is over-reach. Please don't support this motion.
- Soon Pooh—Here to ask vote no.
- Missed the name—I am a supporter of Councillor Mercier, but I say vote no.
- Linda Baloukavich—Vote no.
Councillor Martin says we have a democratically elected Mayor and we are demeaning the process. He does thing differently, and he is bringing in new people. It takes two people to have a disagreement. A no.
Councillor Noun says Mayor Murphy, in three years on the Council has done more for the City than most. This motion isn't going to move us forward.
Councillor Lorrey—Something has changed in the last six months. Patrick can't seem to leave it on the Council Floor. Patrick has missed flag railings without a note. After the events of last year, he should have known he was dancing on a land mine. Councillor Mercier is rightfully defending her friends. Hearing it on NPR is not good.
Councillor Kennedy—I would prefer this not come to a vote. We are here due to a lack of communication. Not here for hurt feelings or a bad joke. If you are not attending meetings without notice you are not doing your job. This Council wants to be corrective rather than punitive. People on the street ask me what the Council is going to do about the Mayor. Can we move on without having to vote on this next week. This isn't a one or two item issue, but a litany over the last 15 months.
Councillor Lorrey—Motion out of frustration. There is a compromise out there. If he meets with members of the Community and we drop this motion. Substitute motion.
Councillor Elliott—I have reviewed the EMails from day one. Not code words for communication. Why did the apology take so long. I support Councillor Mercier's Motion.
Councillor Mercier—Tells story of Mayor not showing at an event. if he sits down with those who have taken offense. [Someone in Gallery shouts out.]
Move the motion. Now motion being pinned down. Includes an apology. "Meet with the community and apologizes." Seconded by Councillor Mercier. Passed.
On to other business, some of which I ignore here.
Something out of order, by Councillor Lorrey, request for Handicapped Sign (removal), so one neighbor gets a parking slot on the street. Currently the house with a driveway that hold four cars, also has two handicapped signs on the street, limiting parking for others. Referred for study.
Manager's items.
Vice Mayor Mendonça says over 70 miles of an accepted streets. At current rate, 100 years to accept them all. It goes to Chapter 90 Funds. We need a more aggressive approach. Councillor Martin says the acceptance criteria may be too stringent. Manager Lynch notes it is very frustrating. Councillor Lorrey asks about bonding more money and through the manager to Mr Moses asks the limit. Mr Moses says $60 million, but the limit is how much taxes must be raised to pay the interest.
Suspension of the Rules to allow Jump to Item 32, regarding the library. A Councillor Elliott motion. He makes the point that "we" all got EMails last week re library. Urine, needles, sex in stacks.
Library safe or not? Councillor Elliott says unsafe. Vesna Noun thinks not unsafe. Nancy Philomon, Library Committee, testifies and says the thinks the library is safe. Mention of the mysterious Tawny, a hooker, going to the Library and plying her trade. Rodney says police not being called, unlike other places. We can all make judgment calls—for the children. Martin will oppose. Rita says things will happen. Never seen problems there, but the picture forwarded suggests a problem. And, she notes the maker has a right to make a motion. Motion carries.
Rule 5 Invoked and I left.
Regards — Cliff
Great summary -- the first draft of history here, and a damn good one...
Thank you.
I am updating the spelling of names as I go along.
Regards — Cliff
I would like to thank Councilor Lorrey, for a successful compromise on the issue. We would of never had the needed compromise though, if it wasn't for Mercier to make motion. So she had to make it, or nothing would of happened.
In regards to NPR reporting the incident, insert Tina Fey's Liz Lemon rolling her eyes here, maybe the mayor should take responsibility for his mistakes.
My first impressions of Mayor Murphy were not great, and most of my change of judgment were based on the testimony of individuals I highly value and respect. The mayor, not Mercier, have placed a lot of people in awkward positions to defend him.
Where was the mayor last night?
He wasn't the one who gave birth.
He could of made his apology last night and addressed Mercier's concerns, and it would of been over.
I respect the family's privacy, if the mother and child had complications (bed rest/NICU) I could better understand his failure to attend.
But still..
When I had my first child, I was in law school. I missed fewer days then the mayor. With my second I was working and back physically in and out of the office at two weeks. I was cognitive to handle my workload. With my third I was home for good. My husband had no paternity leave, he used his week of vacation time. My fourth... omg I don't remember or maybe I don't want to remember, but we're all alive.
The Mayor did write an apology which appeared in many places before the meeting. I found Councilor Mercier's demand that he essentially kneel before her in public and beg for forgiveness to be disgusting.
Ratbas, um yea...
The mayor's poor judgenent, happened not online. It happened at a public event. A public apology, not a letter submitted by his brother that talked more about him then his poor judgement to the local bloggers.
I get that a lot of people like the Mayor, but his mother should of stayed with his wife and baby instead of going to the council meeting. He should of been there, no excuses.
It was released to the public. Why was that not public enough?
Face palm...
Frankly Renee, you have no business imposing your "if I were Mayor" on Murphy.
They are your opinions. Let Murphy tend to his family, as they deem fit.
There are details you don't know and that is that. All are healthy. All is well.
Family first!
Um... if all are healthy. He should of been there.
I'm always open to give him or anyone the benefit of the doubt.
Sorry, but patience is wearing thin.
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