For John, BLUF: The reason there is a Tea Party is the US Constitution. Nothing to see here; just move along.
From The Las Vegas Sun there was, back in May, this article on Senate Harry Reid talking about immigration reform, "Reid: President justified to act on immigration reform if Congress doesn’t". In the article is this paragraph:
If nothing happens before Aug. 1, the president would be justified in taking executive action to institute reforms, Reid said, reiterating a “deadline” set last week by Democratic lawmakers and others pushing for reform.Frankly, if the President has the authority under the Constitution to take action on immigration and he has not done so already, it represents a serious neglect of his duties as President. The idea that on 1 August he will be suddenly empowered due to Congressional inaction indicates a major lack of understanding of our system of Government and a major Executive Branch power grab.
Frankly, I am embarrassed for the Democrats in the US Senate who have so little respect for their own institution that they would continuously cede power to the President.
Regards — Cliff
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