The EU

Google says the EU requires a notice of cookie use (by Google) and says they have posted a notice. I don't see it. If cookies bother you, go elsewhere. If the EU bothers you, emigrate. If you live outside the EU, don't go there.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Here is a different take on Singer Michael Jackson, who recently passed away, in case you haven't noted it in the media.

Blogger Ann Althouse has this post, which started from an item in The New York Times.  It is about Hoosier John Roberts (future Chief Justice of teh US Supreme Court) writing a memo recommending the President of the United States (Ronald Reagan) not sign a letter out to fellow Hoosier Michael Jackson.  Here is the memo:
I recognize that I am something of a vox clamans in terris in this area, but enough is enough.  The Office of Presidential Correspondence is not yet an adjunct of Michael Jackson’s PR firm.  'Billboard' can quite adequately cover the event by reproducing the award citation and/or reporting the President’s remarks.  (As you know, there is very little to report about Mr. Jackson’s remarks.)  There is absolutely no need for an additional presidential message.  A memorandum for Presidential Correspondence objecting to the letter is attached for your review and signature.
I don't speak or read Latin either, but I understand it to be "voice of a terrified clam."

If you haven't checked out Kad Barma's take, it can be found here.

Regards  —  Cliff

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