For John, BLUF: They didn't kill and incinerate themselves. Nothing to see here; just move along.
Mexico's missing students: Mass protests due, per the Beeb.
Mass protests are expected in Mexico for a group of 43 students who disappeared in September.Here is an article from 8 November talking about what happened.Caravans containing relatives of the missing are due to converge on Mexico City. They have been travelling around the country rallying support.
The Mexican authorities say local police handed the students to a drug gang who then murdered them.
The disappearance of the 43 students in Mexico would be like the local police arresting 43 students at Middlesex Community College and shipping them off to New Hampshire and handing them over to drug dealers in Nashua. Not a nice thought. Not even in the realm of possibility. But, that is what happened.
The article Bottom Line:
More than 100,000 people have been killed and 27,000 have disappeared in Mexico in the last decade.How do those drug cartels earn their money, so they can stay in business? They sell drugs to people in these United States. Thus, the United States bears some responsibility for those 43 students.
Regards — Cliff
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